Brian Betts ~ September

Mary Martin   -  

Eyes on the Prize

Immanuel Lutheran School is working on updating the classroom furniture that has served many classrooms for many years but needs an update. As the school leader, I have set a fundraiser goal for this project and have been working on a strategy to motivate parents and students to work towards this goal. The students and families have “eyes on the prize” that they can work for if they achieve this fundraising goal. Hebrews 12:1-3 speaks to our theme Endure which says in verse 2; “fixing our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Life is full of prizes that we can lock our eyes on and work hard to achieve. Are your eyes focused on Jesus? As humans, we sometimes think we can accomplish the goal on our own and need to be reminded that there is a team that God has put in place to help us focus on the eternal prize. At school, the students will grow in their faith learning how to trust God to help support them as they run this race.

So as you adjust your lenses and focus more closely on the blessings that God has given you, what adjustments in your life need to be made? Parents your children are gifts from God and having the opportunity to work with families and share Jesus every day is life-changing. Parenting is one of the hardest yet rewarding jobs in the world. The staff at Immanuel is here to support families in faith development. Parents, it is still up to you to nurture this faith through the things you do to lead your family such as attending worship, family prayers, devotions, and Eph4. Immanuel has a resource to support families called Right Now Media. The link at the bottom of this page will allow you to create an account and use all these resources for FREE. Immanuel is your partner to help keep you focused on the prize and I hope that you take time to log in and use these resources with your family.

In Christ,
Brian J. Betts-Principal

Right Now Media link: