Mrs. Rebekah Drewiske

Eighth Grade Homeroom Teacher

Favorite Bible Verse:

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

I’m a math and science teacher, so here is my life in numbers and facts:

  • 0 – Number of animals in our home – Let’s not talk about the wildlife around my home!
  • 1 – The number of my grandparents STILL living
  • 2 – The number of siblings I have
  • 3 – Number of children we have
  • 6 – Years I taught before staying home with our first child
  • 12 – Years I attended a Lutheran school, including college at Concordia University in River Forest, IL
  • 16 – The December day I was born in Lansing, MI, many moons ago
  • 17 – Years it took to get me back into the classroom full-time
  • 23 – Years I have been married to Greg
  • 26 – Years I have lived in Wisconsin Rapids
  • Innumerable – The gifts and blessings God has given me

Our school’s theme this year is “Endure” (Hebrews 12:1-3). Briefly share a time in your life when you felt you needed the endurance that only God can provide. How can you use your experience to share God’s love with the students and families in our school?

Every school year is a challenge, but the last few months of the 2019-2020 school year were HARD! Trying to motivate students with virtual learning, trying to figure out technology on the run, and trying to keep my own children on task was difficult. I don’t think that I could have gotten through that time without God’s endurance. I didn’t feel equipped to reach each student in the same way I was accustomed to. I felt like the lines of mom and teacher were sometimes blurred. BUT…I learned a lot about myself and where God wanted me to be. I dug into some Bible studies I probably wouldn’t have made time for otherwise. My mindset was changed, and am probably more open to new adventures because I was able to endure through this super challenging time.

If you could take a year off from work what would you do with that time?

If money were not an object as well, I would take some time to just rest and reset, then I would spend some time traveling both in the US and abroad.

Hometown: Lansing, MI
Bachelor’s Degree: Education, Concordia University Chicago