Mrs. Hannah Hall

4K Instructional Aide, PM Cougar Kids

Favorite Bible Verse:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

I grew up in a tiny farm town in central Wisconsin named Black Creek. As a kid, I loved animals, particularly cats, and wanted so badly to be a vet. However, my severe allergies lot everything furry discouraged that career, and I felt a pull on my heart to be a teacher. I had one particular teacher who made a huge impact on my life, and I wanted to do that for someone else.

I attended UWSP to pursue a teaching degree but had a mid-mid-mid-life crisis and switched my degree literally four times. I ended up graduating with a Business Management Degree with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. However, after having kids of my own and working with kids again at our church, I discovered I still felt called to work with kids. Being involved as a parent at Immanuel made me want to work for them and be a part of their vision. I’m so excited to be serving as an aide to the 4K class this year!

Our school’s theme this year is “Endure” (Hebrews 12:1-3). Briefly share a time in your life when you felt you needed the endurance that only God can provide. How can you use your experience to share God’s love with the students and families in our school?

I have had a multitude of health problems over the past five years that have been a huge physical and mental strain. However, it has caused me to dig more deeply into my prayer life and Bible reading. I’ve been more connected to my faith and am able to have empathy for those going through difficult times.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memory is baking and decorating Christmas cookies every year with my grandma, Juanita (and her cats that tried to be way too helpful in the process).

Hometown: Black Creek, WI
Bachelor’s Degree: Business Management, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point